Dieter's Blog

The overall conference theme was: Positive Aging Transcends:

A beautiful sunrise here in Zurich just before leaving for Florida...

Dream...Plan...Live it!” - Coaching is designed to take you anywhere you want to go – both inside and out!

Looking back at my dream come true, diving with the whale sharks in the Maldives, my heart is filled with gratitude and new found energy.

Living with the locals on the island of Mandhoo is so peaceful.

After a sunny day out at sea, we suddenly were heading into a big storm and had to evacuate our outlook post on top of the roof very quickly.

After a smooth plane ride to Male the capital of the Maldives, a pleasant 32oC welcomed me...

At 7:30 the ferry left for Rangali Island where the boat with our Maldivian crew of three waited for us.

When I read this tiny ad in a local newspaper last year in heart was set on fire! It all began in the late 1990’s at my beautiful…